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Employee Training Tips For Companies That Are Embracing Remote Working

3 min read
Remote Working

Remote working, a concept that was only thought to be relevant for ‘young’ companies, has become the norm in only a matter of months.

As remote working became a mandatory practice, many businesses have realized that not having an office is actually great. The expenses of operating are obviously lower and employees are also happier when they get to enjoy the freedom of location.

That’s perhaps the reason many well-known companies like Mozilla, were operating with a distributed team long before it became necessary. Now, after the pandemic hit, other big companies are following the trend and brands like Twitter and Shopify have decided to let their employees work from home indefinitely.

Thanks to these benefits, many smaller businesses are also gravitating towards the idea of having a completely remote working arrangement. 

The good news is, if you are also thinking of the same, your employees have already been working remotely for some time now and making the transition should not be a difficult journey.

However, besides the core responsibilities of your employees, there are a number of other aspects of their job that may take a hit because of the new remote working normal. One such aspect is the learning and development initiatives at your business.

Thankfully, there are several technological solutions that can support the training of employees in a virtual environment. 

Let’s learn how you can use these tools to effectively train your employees:

Employee Training Tips For Companies That Are Embracing Remote Working

Create An Arsenal Of The Right Tools

In order to enable your organisation to deliver impactful online training, it is important to have the right tools for the job. Thankfully, you only need three tools to get started with virtual employee training:

  • Learning Management System: A learning management system (LMS) is exactly what it sounds like. It is a content management system designed to enable organisations and their learning administrators to manage and share training content with learners. Modern LMS are based on the cloud and thus, are incredibly affordable. For instance, 360Learning, a leading product, charges their clients on a per user basis. This means, the 360Learning pricing solely depends on the number of employees you train. There isn’t a fixed amount that you are expected to pay. This makes 360Learning a pocket friendly training solution, even for small businesses with limited budgets.
  • Authoring Tool: An authoring tool, as the name suggests, enables you to create professional-grade training material without any prior experience.
  • Web Conferencing Tool: A web conferencing tool will enable you to deliver live instructor led training without having to ask your instructors and learners to walk into a crowded room.

Rethink Training Content

Unlike traditional classroom based employee training, online training cannot be completely delivered with instructor led sessions. For maximum impact, your training experience needs to be a blend of self-paced learning and instructor led sessions.

To effectively do this, you may need to rethink your training content and decide which parts are best delivered in a self-paced learning format. 

Don’t worry, making these updates should not take too much effort or time if you have invested in a dependable authoring tool. Moreover, with a compatible LMS, implementing and rolling out these changes in an updated training experience should also be quite the cakewalk.


Switching to online training is much easier than bringing other aspects of a business online. Yet, training employees takes a backseat during such a transition. However, the benefits of employee training remain unchanged, even during the ongoing global emergency. We hope that this article will help you move in the right direction with your online employee training efforts.