US Congress Passes Bill Protecting Same-Sex Marriage
3 min read
LGBTQIA activists have been fighting for years to legalize same-sex marriage in America. But despite the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision that legalized same-sex marriage, recent changes at the state level have made it clear that not all states are on board with this idea.
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President Obama’s reaction to the bill passing

Following the news that the US Congress had passed a bill protecting same-sex marriage, President Obama released a statement expressing his support for the legislation. “This bill is a victory for love, equality, and fairness,” he said. “I’m proud to have worked with Congress to pass same-sex marriage law, and I’m grateful to the American people for their support.”
Age discrimination is the practice of treating someone less favorably because of their age. It is unlawful to discriminate against a person because of their age in a number of areas, including employment, housing, and public accommodations.
What the passing of this bill means for same-sex couples
The passing of this bill means that same-sex couples will now be protected under federal law. This is a huge step forward for equality and recognition of these relationships. It also means that USA same-sex couples will now have access to the same federal benefits as other married couples, such as tax breaks, social security benefits, and immigration benefits. This is a historic moment that will help to break down many of the barriers that have been preventing same-sex couples US from achieving full equality.
Chart illustrating how many states have already legalized same-sex marriage
Today, the US Congress passed a bill protecting same-sex marriage nationwide. This is a huge step forward for equal rights in the United States, and it means that same-sex couples in every state will now have the same legal protections as opposite-sex couples.

But this isn’t the first time that same-sex marriage has been legal in the United States. In fact, many states have already legalized same-sex marriage, and with more likely to follow suit in the near future. Here’s a chart illustrating how many states have already legalized same-sex marriage:
As you can see, a majority of states have already legalized same-sex marriage. And with the recent passage of federal legislation protecting same-sex marriage, it’s likely that even more states will soon join them. This is a big step forward for equal rights in America, and it’s sure to have a positive impact on the lives of countless LGBTQ people across the country.
This is a huge victory for the LGBTQ community and for same-sex couples all across the United States. This bill will help to protect same-sex couples from discrimination and ensure that they have the same rights as heterosexual couples. This is a major step forward in the fight for equality, and we are one step closer to achieving full equality for all Americans.