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Divorce can be predicted on the wedding day: 8 signs

9 min read
wedding day

Wedding photographers spend a lot of time with clients, from a photo shoot during an engagement to a wedding. Through experience, they note signs showing that marriage is unlikely to last long. Several wedding photographers talked about eight signs by which you can understand what the relationship is like inside a couple.

It is not possible to predict with certainty whether a marriage will end in divorce, as every relationship is different and can be affected by a variety of factors.

However, research has identified some factors that may be associated with a higher risk of divorce. These include:

wedding day
  1. Age at marriage: Couples who marry at a young age (below 25) may be at a higher risk of divorce.
  2. Education level: Couples with a lower level of education may be at a higher risk of divorce.
  3. Previous relationships: Couples who have been married before or have multiple previous relationships may be at a higher risk of divorce.
  4. Incompatibility: Couples who have significant differences in values, goals, and interests may be more likely to experience conflicts that can lead to divorce.
  5. Lack of communication: Couples who have poor communication skills or who avoid discussing important issues may be more likely to experience problems in their relationship that could lead to divorce.
  6. Lack of commitment: Couples who do not fully commit to the relationship or who do not prioritize the relationship may be more likely to experience problems that could lead to divorce.
  7. Conflict resolution: Couples who are unable to effectively resolve conflicts may be more likely to experience problems in their relationship that could lead to divorce.
  8. Stress: Couples who experience high levels of stress, whether related to work, financial issues, or other factors, may be more likely to experience problems in their relationship that could lead to divorce.

It is important to note that these are just a few possible factors that may be associated with a higher risk of divorce and that every relationship is unique. It is not possible to predict with certainty whether a marriage will be successful or not.

1. One of the partners refuses to be photographed

wedding couple

It is not uncommon for individuals to have different levels of comfort when it comes to being photographed. However, if one partner consistently refuses to be photographed, it could be a cause for concern and may indicate a deeper issue in the relationship. It is important for couples to communicate openly and honestly with each other about their feelings and concerns.

If one partner consistently refuses to be photographed, it may be helpful for the couple to discuss the issue and try to understand the root cause of their partner’s discomfort. It may also be helpful for the couple to seek the assistance of a therapist or counselor to work through any underlying issues and improve their communication and understanding of each other.

Not everyone likes to be photographed. Sometimes there are times when one of the newlyweds does not want to participate in a photoshoot. Fortunately, in most cases, he or she understands how important this is for the partner, and they meet each other halfway but not always. “

2. A big part of guests do not come


Most often, approximately 10-15% of those invited cannot attend the wedding, but when this number reaches 20-25% and higher, it is worth considering the reasons. For example, Ukrainian girlfriends like to invite many guests. Most likely, friends and relatives guess that the relationship has no particular prospects. From the side, you can see where the relationship is going. “I once worked at a wedding, to which the newlyweds invited 250 people. They ordered a hall for 200 seats, and 60 guests came. Then they came up to me and asked if I would like to call my wife and children for a banquet because everything has already been paid for, and no one has come. I recently found out that they already broke up.”

3. Partners simulate interest in each other


It is natural for couples to have ups and downs in their relationship, and it is not uncommon for one or both partners to feel a lack of interest or excitement in the relationship at times. However, if a partner is consistently stimulating interest in the other partner, it could be a cause for concern and may indicate a deeper issue in the relationship.

A lack of interest in the relationship can be a sign of a lack of emotional connection or an underlying problem that needs to be addressed. It is important for couples to communicate openly and honestly with each other about their feelings and concerns. If one partner is consistently stimulating interest in the other, it may be helpful for the couple to seek the assistance of a therapist or counselor to work through any underlying issues and improve their communication and understanding of each other. It may also be helpful for the couple to find ways to reconnect and reignite their interest in each other, such as by doing activities together that they both enjoy or by trying new things together.

4. Constant quarrels even on the day-X

couples fights

Constant quarreling on the day of a significant event, such as a wedding or other important milestone, can be stressful and disruptive. It is important for couples to try to resolve conflicts and communicate effectively, particularly on important days. If constant quarreling is a consistent issue in a relationship, it may be a sign of deeper underlying problems that need to be addressed.

If you are experiencing constant quarreling on an important day, it may be helpful to try to find a way to resolve the conflicts and move forward. This could involve seeking the assistance of a therapist or counselor to help you work through your issues, finding ways to communicate more effectively, or taking a break to cool down and calm down. It is also important to remember that it is normal for couples to have disagreements and conflicts and that it is possible to work through these challenges and strengthen your relationship.

If quarrels and scandals occur between the participants in the ceremony, this is a bad sign. “Example: our team went to rent a wedding, and then the bride calls and reports that she has canceled it. Because she was unsure about her decision to get married at the last minute. She was accusing the groom of everything possible and panicked a lot. We do not know whether they broke up.”

5. Discussions of the financial issues

financial issues in relationship
Image Source: Psychology Today

Financial issues can be a common source of stress and conflict in relationships. It is important for couples to communicate openly and honestly about their financial situation and to work together to develop a plan for managing their money.

If you are having discussions about financial issues with your partner, it may be helpful to:

  1. Set aside time to talk specifically about money, rather than discussing it in the midst of an argument.
  2. Make a list of your shared financial goals and priorities.
  3. Create a budget that takes into account both your income and expenses.
  4. Discuss any financial challenges you are facing and come up with a plan to address them.
  5. Seek the assistance of a financial planner or counselor if you need additional support.

It is important to remember that financial issues can be complex and may take time to resolve. It is important for couples to be patient and to continue to communicate and work together to find solutions.

A couple came to me to discuss a wedding photoshoot. When the bride went to the toilet, the groom admitted, “This wedding will make me go bankrupt. Costs were twice as high as planned.” Financial issues are of great importance in marriage and often cause divorce. They parted six months after the wedding with 150 guests.”

6. Sarcastic jokes about each other

sarcastic jokes

Sarcastic jokes can be a way for people to playfully tease or rib each other, but they can also be hurtful or damaging if they are used in a way that belittles or demeans the other person. If you or your partner frequently make sarcastic jokes about each other, it may be worth considering whether these jokes are causing harm or discomfort in the relationship.

If you are concerned about sarcastic jokes in your relationship, it may be helpful to:

  1. Communicate openly and honestly about your feelings. Let your partner know how the sarcastic jokes make you feel and express your desire for more positive and respectful communication.
  2. Set boundaries. It may be helpful to agree on a set of ground rules for how you will communicate with each other, including not using sarcastic jokes as a way to belittle or demean each other.
  3. Seek the assistance of a therapist or counselor. A professional can help you and your partner work through any underlying issues and improve your communication and understanding of each other.

It is important to remember that every relationship is unique, and it is up to each couple to decide what works best for them. It is essential to communicate openly and honestly with each other and to make an effort to respect and support each other.

7. Relationships are built only on physical attraction

physical attraction

Physical attraction can certainly be an important factor in a romantic relationship, and it is common for people to be attracted to their partners on a physical level. However, a successful and fulfilling relationship is built on much more than just physical attraction. In order to have a strong and healthy relationship, it is important for couples to have a deep emotional connection, to communicate effectively, to be supportive of each other, and to share common values and goals.

While physical attraction can certainly add to the excitement and pleasure of a relationship, it is important for couples to also focus on building a strong emotional bond and developing a deep understanding of each other. This can help to create a strong foundation for the relationship and can help to make it more resilient over time.

8. The newlyweds do not communicate during the banquet


It is not uncommon for couples to feel a little overwhelmed or distracted on their wedding day, as there are often many details to attend to and a lot of people to interact with. However, it is important for newlyweds to make an effort to communicate and connect with each other during the wedding banquet and throughout the day.

If you are a newlywed and are not communicating with your partner during the wedding banquet, it may be helpful to:

  1. Take a break from the festivities. If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it may be helpful to step away from the banquet for a few minutes to regroup and reconnect with your partner.
  2. Plan special moments together. Make time for each other during the day by scheduling private moments together, such as a first dance or a quiet dinner after the banquet.
  3. Communicate openly and honestly. If you are feeling disconnected or stressed, it is important to communicate with your partner and let them know how you are feeling.
  4. Seek the assistance of a therapist or counselor. If you are having difficulty communicating or connecting with your partner, it may be helpful to seek the assistance of a professional to help you work through any underlying issues.

Remember that it is normal for couples to have ups and downs and that it is possible to work through challenges and strengthen your relationship.

Most quests look forward to a banquet after the wedding ceremony. The stress and excitement of the wedding are behind, you can relax and have fun. But if the bride and the groom spend the whole evening separately, this is an alarm call.

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